Saturday, November 12, 2011

Roadblocks to knowing

So my question was,what would stop me from knowing God and His word. I think this verse sums it up pretty nicely.

We are human,but we don't wage war as humans do,We use God's mighty weapons,not worldly weapons to knock down the strongholds of  human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from KNOWING God.( 2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

Don't underestimate the power of knowing

As a christian I sometimes feel like I'm grasping at straws when it comes to making the "right" decision.I spend so much time wining and complaining to God, begging Him to just lay my future out me as a blueprint or just give me sign,something anything to let me know I'm on the right path.Because sometimes I feel I should do this, then I feel I should do that etc,the valley of indecision.

But the question came to me "what do you know?"  (crickets in the background)

Sometimes we know a lot more than we think,I don't think God intends for us to blindly feel our away around situations  or life for that matter,constantly grasping at anything and anyone for an answer.Where's the freedom in that? We become slaves to our desire to have the right answer,and at that point its a lot easier for us to be deceived and manipulated...ouch

There are times when God wants to speak  to us clearly,and He does...whether we like it or not.And there are times when He is silent,now there is the 'you need to be patient silence' and there's the I've given you road map already, make a deicision silence',my favourite.

When you encounter the latter it can't be about feelings,granted I'm sure some people may read maps with their feelings but in this case I think we  have to read God's road map based on prior and current knowledge.What we already know,about His character and about His call and direction for our lives.The best directions are the ones with recognizable  places on it, places that we know,somehow once we know one place or area getting to the final destination no matter how unfamiliar,seems alot more doable. I'm sure God can give us good directions and if we get lost I'm pretty sure He can redirect us.

 Unsure about how to deal with someone in a particular situation,love them.Unsure  about what God is calling you to do next,love God. OK ok ok,love God and go back to what you know He has already said,whether its scriptures that spoke to you or prophetic words.....God does not expect us to pull rabbits out of top hats,but to make the best of what He has given us already. To steward the vision He has given us,the relationships He has given us,the ministries,talents,spiritual gifts, and sometimes that means we will not wait on a road to Damascus experience before making a decision but like the disciples who waited in Jerusalem for the coming of the Holy Spirit we will make decisions that position us to receive what God has already promised us.

I think sometimes God is just saying to us " I've given you enough already,now do something with it" While waiting for the next encounter,aha moment or sign make preparations based on what has already been revealed. Its what every Christian has been asked to do while waiting on the return of Jesus.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Our Mandate

I absolutely love this song...I think I actually posted it on my Facebook page already.To me it really describes the people we are to be,a people who walk by faith and not my sight.

Since it is called the 'Psalm of Abraham",I'm going share some of what the Bible says about Him....not from Genesis but from Heberews 11,the 'Faith; chapter.

It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. And when he reached the land God promised him,he lived there by faith-for he was like a foreigner,living in tents. And so Isaac and Jacob,who inherited the same promise. Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God.

 I just finished a post about living in world where we are bombarded with bad news and seemingly hopeless situations...I am currently enduring one. But what I have realised is that things could be a lot more hopeful if  my eyes were set on things eternal instead of temporary things.This world is passing away,our bodies will deteriorate and eventually cease to work...that's the nature of growing old. But these things are only daunting when this life is all we are living for...we are to live like Abraham,looking forward to a city with  eternal foundations,a city designed and built by God.

Memoirs of A Wannabe Missionary: Living in a "Bad News Generation"

Memoirs of A Wannabe Missionary: Living in a "Bad News Generation": I think that this generation is bombarded with more bad news that any generation that has come before us.We Facebook bad news,Tweet it,Googl...

Living in a "Bad News Generation"

I think that this generation is bombarded with more bad news that any generation that has come before us.We Facebook bad news,Tweet it,Google it,Youtube it.pass it on through BBM....not to mention the endless news websites and channels that readily offer a supply of "BAD NEWS!"  One of our local radio stations has a four hour call-in program where people can call in and pretty much complain, about everything from their high light bills to the moral decay of today's youth.Bad news is everywhere.

I'm somewhat of a news junkie, but if no news is good news....then I certainly haven't been following any good news.And it takes its toll,it creates hopelessness,all sorts of panic and anxiety and a disbelief that anything will ever change. I once heard a BBC reporter quote an end time scripture after reading the news headlines.

Then it hit me( perhaps I was a bit slow)....I'm  a follower of the Good News,I have no right getting sucked into the confusion and panic of this "bad news" generation. Now it happens,I'm not pointing any fingers but imagine if we could truly live according to the Good News,the news about the Kingdom  of  God.God's stock markets don't crash,HIs economy keeps going,His kingdom is not one that is falling apart and He is not a ruler who is losing control.There is no unequal of distribution of wealth ,He will cause everything to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose for them ( Romans 8:28),He is a ruler who is altogether just and altogether merciful,in His kingdom  you don't have to have a first degree to get work,you don't have to worry about what to eat or what to wear  but as you seek out this Kingdom these things will be added to you (  Matthew 5:33).

Too often our emotions,thinking,expectations and hopes are shaped by the "bad  news". We plan our lives  around what we are told is going on in the world around....which is usually bad news, We fear taking  risks,we fear moving,we fear pursuing the things that we truly love,we fear  going against the mainstream,we fear saving,we fear investing,we fear having children,we fear we can't have children,we fear relationships,we fear getting sick,we fear living long,we fear dying young...we fear because we have accepted a reality other than the reality of God's Kingdom. God says He has not given us a spirit of fear but of love,power and a sound mind ( 2 Timothy 1:7) So in the midst of a global recession,religious and ideological wars and natural disaters we are not to fear,we are to keep a clear head,we are to put our hope in God and who He says He is, rather than the systems of this matter how good they seem.We are not exempt from the impact of these things but we have a hope in the midst of them.

So to wrap up I will quote the words of Paul:

Since you have been raised to new life with Christ,set your sights on the realities of heaven,where Christ sits in th place of honor  at God's right hand.Think about the things of heaven,not the things of earth. For you died to this life,and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.And when Christ,who is your life,is revealed to the whole world,you will share in all His glory.( Colossians 3:1-4)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Memoirs of A Wannabe Missionary: God is a faithful lover

Memoirs of A Wannabe Missionary: God is a faithful lover: "I am honestly blown away by the smallest things that God does in my life,don't get me wrong I love the big ticket miracles and breakthrough..."

God is a faithful lover

I am honestly blown away by the  smallest things that God does in my life,don't get me wrong I love the big ticket miracles and breakthroughs but there is something extremely humbling and loving about when God moves in a way that only you can appreciate. Ok I think I just had a "selah" moment...

6 billion people on earth ( pretty sure that stat has gone up by now) but yeh 6 billion  people on this earth and God does does something that only one will understand,its like a cosmic inside joke.

My spiritual  journey since returning home has been tumultuous to say the least but in that I have recognised the absolute BIGNESS!!! of God,that though we are unfaithful He is always faithful. And the past couple weeks I have experienced God's faithfulness at the strangest times  but yet when it mattered most.

The night I took my dad to hospital,I threw a tantrum and told God up front "I'm leaving! I have weighed the cost and its just not worth it..rah rah rah" I really thought that would have been the night where I walked away  and then I end up running into my uncle in the emergency room ( he didn't know we were there) and he ends up praying for me,giving me a word from God ..and altogether counselling me.That is exactly what I needed someone to help lift my hands when I could no longer do it for myself.

On a lighter note,I went to buy running shoes last week. I was a bit hesitant about it because I  know that proper shoes cost quite a bit.Anyway while the shop attendant was getting my shoes I silently prayed " Lord I would really like a discount...I just thought I would throw it out there,I know I haven't been  the best with my daily devotions but I'd still like to ask". When the guy came back me told that the shoes had a discount ( not marked on them) and furthermore,because I had to wait a little extra while he looked for the shoes he gave me an even greater discount...seriously!

Last but not least.I had been feeling pretty hopeless and disheartened about applying for jobs..unnecessarily so.But I called up a contact I had for one of  the places I was applying and boy did I get more than I called for,after asking her about the business she asked me if I had prayed,proceeds to pray with me and  practically preach to me about God's faithfulness and provision...I was just blown away.Those words of encouragement helped me to sit  just a bit taller when finishing off my application.

I don't know,some people would call it coincidence or maybe not have noticed these things at all but for me they have been like unexpectedly receiving a bouquet of flowers in the middle of the day,love letters left lying around a messy house, I wasn't looking for them, I certainly did not deserve them..but they came.

Its that something from God that says " I heard that prayer you  whispered in the shower,I saw the sincerity of your heart when you cried out in frustration...I hear you"

What love notes has he left you?

"The Lord directs the steps of the Godly
He delights in every detail of their lives"
                                                        Psalm 37:23

Saturday, July 9, 2011

10 Things I loved about my time Cape Town

1. I could see Table Mountain every time I opened my kitchen window

2. The sound of the ocean lulling me  to sleep.

3.Muizenberg ( where I stayed)..perfectly sandwiched between the mountains and the ocean

4.The Eastern Food Bazaar in Central value for money if you love curry and naan.

5.Muizenberg Flea Market....whether you need  a piece of scrap metal,a dress or fried      calamari,you can find it every Sunday at this eclectic market.

6. The four seasons you can experience in one day...just gotta love it lol

7.Everyone thinking I was South African and people speaking to me in Xhosa.

8.Township Meat!!!!

9.People under the age of 50 having tea parties...seems like the most natural thing to do now

10.The diversity....a Cape Townian could be anyone

Love is in the battle

In communicating I receive clarity and here goes.

Its been three weeks since  I have been  back in Barbados,three very challenging,humbling weeks.Challenging because though I may have changed and grown in my spirituality  I have come home to the same if not harsher
circumstances than before,humbling because I have seen what God can do through me and yet I know my present struggles...weaknesses,and I know that they did not suddenly appear they have always been there,dormant .
  But God knew,when I was drawing prophetic pictures and having all of my mountain top spiritual experiences. He knew then what lay beneath,He knew what would still need to be tested and refined and yet He chose me.Out of His love He called me...and that is what I battle with,the knowledge of  the love of God. A knowledge that Paul says is too great for us to fully understand ( Ephesians  3:19).

As I listened to this song I dared to verbalise what I believe I have been feeling now for could He?Why does He?It can't be that simple,His love can not be that great.And it hit me that all the resistance I have experienced,externally and in my own because I have refused to believe that God loves me as much as He says He does,that when He says something its because He loves me and wants what is best for me...I have been resisting the love of God.

As I listened to the lyrics of this song,all my walls came down,every reasoning and justification that I had just melted away  as I started to receive the truth of God's love.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

How much is too much?

Jesus said there was a cost to following Him,He said there would be a cost in order for us to see the Kingdom of God established on earth but how far will that cost take us,how much will it require of us?

Recently I have been coming to grips with the reality of this truth,it will cost me something and  there is no such thing as too far or too much when it comes to serving God. After all if Jesus is our standard we should be willing to follow God unto death,shouldn't we? Its hard to hear but that is the reality of our faith.

I was reading the "Mark of the Lion" series by Francine Rivers and as I read this truly captivating story there was something that unsettled me to the core.It was one of her characters,a Jewish girl converted to Christianity,there was something almost offensive about her,and it was simply the midst of her persecution she loved,she never spoke a harsh word to those who enslaved  and abused her,she loved her enemies..more than she loved herself and this love cost her her life.

It was offensive because deep deep deep somewhere inside of me there is a belief that "I have a right to be comfortable"  and this girl gave up all of her comforts for the sake of glorifying God.

I have been doing missions for about a year and a half now and I enjoy it,I really do.But it has cost me something,and I don't say this out of self pity or to make myself look good so just bare with me.I  have left behind whatever potential job my university degree could have gotten me,I have left behind my family my friends ..a sacrifice that brings me to tears on many a day,my culture...a warm climate ( possibly one of the greatest sacrifices),I laid down my rights to dress certain way, to eat a certain way etc etc Some days I don't feel like myself at all,who I have become is so foreign to who I used to be. But I die to self that Christ may be alive me.

God will never force me to do anything,He will not force me to continue in missions but He will present me with the truth and with the potential...He has opened  my eyes to the fields that are ripe for harvesting but now I'm wondering .. how far will I go to see those fields harvested.I am  coming to the end  ( two and a half months left) of my time here in South Africa and I miss home,I miss all that home represents: my independence,security,provision,I miss my family. 

The song below is a song I have sung  passionately on countless occasions,but if this is the cry of my heart there is one question    "how much am I willing to give to see these lyrics become a reality,how much am I willing to surrender so that 'Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven'

Because of who He is,whatever God asks me to forsake in the next couple months and years it can never be too much.

You said, Ask and you will receive    
Whatever you need
You said, Pray and I'll hear from heaven
And I'll heal your land

You said Your glory will fill the earth
Oh, Like water the seas
You said, Lift up your eyes
The harvest is here, the kingdom is near

You said, Ask and I'll give the nations to you
O Lord, that's the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands will see
Your light, as it rises on us

O Lord, we ask for the nations
O Lord, we ask for the nations
O Lord, we are asking for the nations


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Evangelism 101

 OK let's try that again, Evangelism 101:

Step 1: Love God                                                                                   
Step 2: Love People
Step 3 Know that:God's love is not to force anyone into salvation
Step 4:Get in a car with a bunch of friends and hit the streets!!

Soooo I have  a huge confession...somehow,in all my 22 years,including a year and half in missions....I have never done street evangelism. Considering that I grew up in church that statement is probably borderline blashpemous..but its the truth,and I had no desire to do it.To me it always seemed,forced,awkward and archaic.But I think that's because I never really understood what evangelism was about,in my mind evangelism meant getting people saved and if you didn't have any salvations at the end of your outing you weren't really that effective...I  wised up a little but then I   still thought that evangelism meant chatting people up with an agenda. .to get the conversation on religion and ram Jesus down their throats.No wonder I didn't want to do evangelism.

But I've discovered a new meaning to  evangelism: presenting people with the love of God.And that could be a lot of things,a hot meal,a word of encouragement or a prophetic word,healing or a sidewalk deliverance..who knows? God knows what people need when you walk up to them.Its never been about the signs and wonders,not to God anyway...for us it can become all about the manifestations of God's power,so quickly forgetting that the only reason He does these things in the first place is because He loves us.

Last Friday our team set aside the day for doing evangelism,and of course  its always good to build up your faith before heading we watch  the documentary/film " Furious Love"
Its the follow up to another film called "Finger of God" where the makers document miracles and supernatural "God encounters" from around the world. One of the points driven home was the fact that all of these wonderful things that happen are because of and motivated by God's was amazing because no matter where they were,whether it was with people who were in prostitution or involved in the occult God's love never failed to deliver.Afterall its the kindness of God that leads us to repentence.( see Romans 2:4)

Needless to say after watching this we were sooo revved up,

OK so one team went to Cape Town ( my team) and the other to a nearby community. I won't go into all the details if not I would be writing forever but there were healings..and salvations.Me and my friend met with three muslims, two let us pray for them..with an understanding that we serve Jesus,the son of God not just a prophet.One of these muslims was a South African lady working in the flower market as we talked with her I felt to ask her if she had back pains,she didn't quite have back pains but she did have stiffness and pain in her left we prayed for her.Asked her how she felt after and...well her arm was good,she waved it around like she was doing a hip hop move.We smiled,laughed and  said goodbye.There was not a salvation no attempt to get her saved we just presented her with the love of God and who knows what will happen next time.

I think before I felt as though I always had to make something happen,manufacture a something out of nothing...but that is just stressful because the focus becomes about me and what i can do..which is not much. And at the same time loving people doesn't always mean that you have a "thus saith the Lord". I think effective evangelism is a combination of you stepping out: leaving your house,smiling at someone,saying hi and.. listening to what God has to say about a person,what can this person be encouraged with?do they need healing?

I'm still learning  but I said all of that to say...I like evangelism .

Thursday, April 7, 2011

March Happenings

Beautiful Beginnings,Bethesda House takes off

Our open times at Bethesda have also been building momentum.. We haven’t fully arrived but our expectations for the future remain high. Each week we have had people  coming in off of the streets..and  even the neighbouring pub  who have been drawn by the presence of God...they don’t always  know that it is the presence of God drawing them but they come. One of the people I got to talk to during one of these times  was a man with a muslim background, however he was very accepting of Christians and what we were doing,.Unfortunately he didn’t believe there was any one way to God but the one thing he did say was that He felt the love when he came in to Bethesda house.

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples”
                                                                                    John 13:34(NLT)

S-Cape Opens
After  a lot of prayer and anticipation our safe house ( S-Cape Home) has finally opened.
   We actually opened a week earlier  than we had planned due to  an emergency situation with one of  our women. After being rushed to the hospital for complications with her pregnancy she was then discharged with nowhere to go but back to the streets, When we found her back on the streets of Muizenberg the whole team shot into  action   and  moved her into the safe house with staff members taking turns staying in the house until we officially opened a week later.  It was a rocky start and  it was honestly a case of us being obedient to the vision God had given  us but despite our feelings of unpreparedness having our women move into the safe house was a huge milestone in our ministry and proof of God’s faithfulness to us.

And…….about two weeks later Hope gave  birth to her second son!!

This beautifully decorated  welcoming area of S-Cape.It may just appear to be a pretty room but for one of my coworkers this was he result of years of waiting on God to fulfill a word spoken to her while she was working as a missionary in the US. She has a passion for interior design  and God told her that some day she would be a part of decorating a safe house, right now this is part of her ministry..showcasing the love and beauty of God through furnishing and decorating the   home of trafficking victims.
It’s the combination of all our gifts that makes things happen.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Quick update


January is an interesting month,its the start of a new year so you want to  start the year with a bang..all emotionally and spiritually prepared for whatever will come your way in the next 12 months but at the same time you're making the transition from holiday to work mode.

Well I think I have officially transitioned into work mode again,the first couple of days were difficult as I tried to  work out my schedule between two different ministries but after committing things to God numerous times  I feel a lot more settled.

In both ministries God has been doing amazing things.Justice Acts is opening a safe house in February which is really exciting.God had spoken so much about this home and now its finally happening.It is a huge leap of faith for Justice Acts as we now have the building  but not all of the resources that we need  so we're really trusting God to provide everything,in particular the right person to  be our house mother.But in the midst of the uncertainty we do feel that God has great plans for this building,right down to the purposes and design for every room and we have even had an interior designer offer his services to us for free!

I have minimised a lot of my activity with Justice Acts as I work more with the Prayer and Worship department,but I really do feel like the two ministries will compliment one another because so much prayer is needed to carry a  ministry and the individual women we work with.I am continuing to disciple one of  the women in our programme and I feel like God is really doing a work in her which is fantastic because she had so many challenges last year, she is a woman with so much potential  and having her in our safe house will open so many more doors for her.

Prayer and Worship

The Prayer and Worship department is opening a prayer house right in the centre of Muizenberg's creative centre,although Muizenberg is a small suburb it has a thriving community of artists and..a thriving community of spiritual seekers and those involved in the occult. Our prayer house is pretty much smack dab in the centre of all of that...but people who are spiritual seekers are well...exactly that spiritual seekers,they are hungry and are more open to prayer than you would think.Our prayer house will be called  Bethsesda House and we will offer people prayer,prophetic art and the opportunity to be prophesied over if they so desire.But its just funny because even  as we have been working on  preparing the physical building people have come and asked questions and often when they find out what we're doing..they want to come and get prayer,they want to know what God has to say to them.And that is really our heart,to help bring people into an encounter with God,to present to them a God who is real and concerned with what is going on their lives.So from February I will be part of  the team at Bethsaida House... please pray for me as I get more involved in this kind of ministry.

In the midst of  all of that I am being drawn deeper in my relationship with can't minister out of an empty vessel, in missions that equals BURN OUT! So I am enjoying what God has been showing me ,it hasn't always been easy because I've realised that even in missions you can still try to do things out of your own strength...and that is really not an option in a prayer ministry..or anything you want to bear lasting fruit.So with that said,I am really trying to pursue God's heart for people,to know more of His love so that I can love others...that's the reason for everything we do.

On a much lighter note, I have finally found a church that I will attend regularly.It is small Methodist church here  in Muizenberg,not necessarily the church I would have chosen for myself but I really felt it was a place I had to go...and I like it,the sense of community is great and it makes me feel like I'm back at my home church in Barbados.God knew what I needed and He knew where to send me to get it :)

I won't be putting out a  newsletter this month,just this update but if  you have questions about what I'm doing,you would like more information about Youth With A Mission or you would like to support  me financially or in prayer you can send me a message at

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What is your hope in?

Psalm147:11( NLT)

No, the Lord's delight is in those who fear Him,those who put their hope in His unfailing love.

Perhaps I have read this before,perhaps I have heard sermons on it..I don't know but  a couple days ago the last part of that verse began to scream to me..not even speak but scream.
 I guess God was really asking me..what do I put my hope in? And honestly I put my hope in a lot of things other than God's love..God's love makes me uncomfortable to tell the truth and in the back of my head I sometimes think no this can't be right there must be something that I need to do to earn this love,its too good to be true. So  because I can't wrap my carnal mind around God's love I put my  hope in God's power...aah now power is something I can understand,the world displays power all of the time..a powerful leader that everyone fears,a poweful super hero that everyone calls on in their time of need..... so I can take one of those examples substitute in God and "think" I understand God's power. Or maybe I put my hope in God's justice..God is just, so I put my hope in a God who will come and  kill all the wicked,mean people in the world.But once again my view of what is just has been influenced by the world so  I " understand" God's justice because I think it is possibly like the justice I  have seen on tv or read about in history books. I think I understand God's mercy,I think I understand His grace...but do I?I can't if I don't understand His love.

I can look to the world and find some wish washy ( and I mean wish washy) parallel of God's character and nature...except for His love.His love is too mind boggling,too undeserved,too instead of putting my hope in His love I put  my hope in my perception of His power,,something I think I can more readily understand.But God doesn't want me to put my hope in  His power..that would be missing the whole point

.What really scared me and totally utterly messed with my head is the thought of putting my hope...MY HOPE,in something that  I do not understand something that seems tender,intangible, flowery and yet potent.God's love. But it is because of God's love that He is just,it is because of  God's love that He is merciful,gracious,compassionate,slow to anger,faithful in His all His is because of His love that He displays His is because of His love.But sadly I haven't put my hope in God's love..I think I'm too afraid to,I don't understand it.

But I know that God is asking me to... because if  I can put my hope,my confident His love for me and in His love for everyone else,then  ..whom shall I fear,of whom shall I be afraid?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Edible Gold

So there's this scene in Pocahontas ( the Disney one) where
John Smith asks  our native american beauty 
whether she has seen gold...he described it as
  golden yellow in colour,hard and a substance that you take
out of the ground,Pocahontas not knowing what he was talking 
out pulls about an ear of corn and says " sure we have plenty of it ".    

 Last night I was laying on my  bed and it kinda hit me that corn is probably still like edible gold to a good deal of the world's population.Of course I am only speaking from my experiences  in the last two years or so ...but two and a half continents later I've realised that corn,whether its white or yellow is a real staple for a lot of people.

Let's begin with Mexico and the corn tortilla,a corn tortilla is to them what a slice of  white bread is to  North Americans.They serve it at lunch,dinner and I must confess the tortilla at breakfast was a bit new to me,but no matter what the meal was, there were usually warm corn tortillas wrapped in cloth at the table.W ho needs a boulangerie  when you could have a  Tortillaria! ( no kidding...its the tortilla bakery,there was one in the village where I stayed in Mexico)

 In Venezuela...there's what I call the arepa flour,its some kind of ground corn ( ok I  just looked it up and according to Wikipedia its actually some kinda of precooked ground corn flour) We were served this two different ways at breakfast,they would boil the flour/ grain and make a porridge to drink and then make like little fried breads  out of it that we would then fill with egg or jam and cheese.And if that weren't enough you could also get an empanada...made of the same flour but  bigger,longer,filled with beef and of course..deep fried.                                                                               Arepas

Now I'm in South Africa...and what is the food of the passes?You guessed it more here they call the ground corn  mielie meal and when its cooked...pap. Pap can me a porridge or the consistency of a pudding and then there's a third way..I actually have'nt had it the third way but its supposed to be crumbly. But you get my drift...pap is a staple,and not just in South Africa but in many other African countries as well.

<- crumbly pap

He my desperation to have arepas again I have made the " pap pattie" which was just me making arepas using pap,I discovered that it only works with the instant mielie meal though...anything else and you're asking for me.

Now back home in Barbados we use the yellow corn  or corn meal,the same one Americans might a make cornbread out of.You can make a porridge out of it ( also know as..pap) or you can cook it with water and some okras to make cou cou..kinda of like a pudding consistency,top it off with  some steamed fish and voila! You have the national dish of Barbados.

So you see...corn really is edible gold.

P.S for all you people who can't  eat wheat and have gluten allergies..are you really surprised?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!!


I would just like to start by saying Happy New Year  and I hope everyone has enjoyed or is still enjoying their holidays,I have about two weeks before things officially start back so I will  join the latter :)

I actually left Muizenberg for Christmas and New Years,I spent my time in a village called an area known as the " Valley of Wine and Roses".,what a name eh.Nothing could have prepared for the change in pace,especially after the hectic three hour bus ride from Cape Town, but it was nice You could literally stand at one end of the village and see the other end and everyone knows everyone,it was like a small town in  the Wild Wild West. Don't be fooled by the green in the picture,McGregor is in the desert,every garden and area of green has been watered using irrigation,each household gets an allotted amount of water that comes down from the dam.

I had a wonderful Christmas,I swam in a dam...can you believe it! Normally I have a policy that if the water isn't blue I'm not  going in...but twice I  I found myself in  nearly black bodies of water,one day in  the dam the next day in the river.

 We put up a desert Christmas tree...that's what  I'll call it for now and Christmas day we ate the traditional mince pies and had a South African braai ( pretty much a barbeque minus the sauce) in the evening...not to mention I CALLED HOME!! :D

 During this time God also dealt with me about a couple of things,it was not at all painless but I'm a lot wiser because of it and I hope to share some of my revelation in another post...I'm really not in a posting mood,so sorry you will have to wait :p

Hopefully I will  soon feel is a new year after all ;)