Monday, September 27, 2010

Faith,food and facebook

I don't think I'm speaking prematurely and if I am, in Christian circles its often called faith.Believing that the impossible and unforeseeable will indeed happen.

A night or two ago I was praying,asking God to direct me because I was feeling like a fish out of water in a very chilly Cape Town.  I'm not afraid to tell you that I really have no plan but to follow God's plan,that may sound all Christiany and cliche but its true.I believe that four years ago God told me to go South Africa to help girls...I know it sounds vague but that's what I'm working with. So four years later on pure faith I'm in South Africa,God has fulfilled His word to me,He has brought me to South Africa. But what about the second part?

Which brings me back to " a night or two ago...",I felt like God was telling me the same faith it took to get here ( need for large sums of money I did not have) I will also now need to see the second part of the promise fulfilled. We need faith for more than money and healings,we should also use our faith in believing that God will use us mightily where ever He has placed you believe that in your office job God  can use you mightily for His kingdom,do you believe that as a stay at home mom God can  use you to touch lives, I don't know about you but that takes faith. Just because some things  appear to have less "kingdom" points than others does not mean that they require less of a kingdom mindset and radical faith. Because I'm in South African with a missions organization  does not mean I can now bolt off and make things happen,I could fill my time with many good deeds and totally miss what God planned to do in and through me...scaaaaary!And yet its tempting when you want to write a fancy newsletter telling of all your missionary exploits...almost like the Facebook syndrome,only taking pictures that are Facebook worthy,wondering whether your next activity is worthy of a Facebook status,so many ulterior motives.

That was all to say that God opened some doors for me today, I met people who are working with women(some necklace making involved..( art+me=happiness),one woman in particular pretty much sounds like she wants a partner as she reaches out to girls in a particular township ( names to come later ie after I've seen them on paper and have written them a couple of times)so yaaaaaay, why is it so hard to just trust God?!

Yup so that was my big news.....and I might have a potential place to live off base,nice place too.I'll keep you updated on that one,I hope it works out because I would like to be able to cook for myself. That may sound trivial but  I have a serious complaint with wheat and dairy and what do we get a lot of...thats right,wheat and dairy my friend,wheat and dairy ( no I'm  not being some vain trendy eater... I really do have a problem with those two foods,for reasons I would rather not disclose on the world wide web).I'm tempted to branch off here and talk about food,gluttony and my experiences with both but  perhaps another day.

Ok back to my Coldplay..."nobody said it was eeeeeeaaaasy"

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Girls are girls right?

Ok so I  really want to work with girls and teen girls and I've been thinking of what a girl's ministry programme would look like.I've realised you should never be to proud to take notes from what someone else has been doing in your area of I googled it,yes I googled "girls ministry".

What turned up was as  expected I suppose,lots of cute looking imagery..a line somewhere about teaching girls to incorporate fahsion trends into their dress etc etc Personally I love cutesy girly looking stuff and was at one point addicted to fashion magazines so I gladly welcome an attractively packaged Christian "voice" in guiding girls through their pre-teen and teen years. What I do question is how *girls ministry*  in our Western,North American context could apply to girls in a South African township...ouch.

I know girls are girls but  I'm just wondering how or what is the best approach to take when reaching  out to young women who live in the poverty embodied by a slum/shanty town  and resources are low.

  I don't know,it just made me think of how the gospel needs to be  life saving to all who hear it,no matter how we package it.And whatever programme or strategy I hope to carry out,  it has to contain truth and life and most importantly it has to point to The Way...yes I love graphics and excuses to put on nail polish but those are just secondary and props to the real star of the show.

 I mean honestly,right now I have a mandate to touch lives and all I have is the markers in my suitcase and the belief that God can use me.

These are my post dinner ramblings.

P.S I'm pretty sure Jesus could multiply markers like He multiplied fish...he he he jus saying

Saturday, September 25, 2010

First Impressions

So I've officially been in Cape Town for two whole days...and I'm still adjusting to the cold (probably will be for a long time). I think the fact that its cold makes the transition so much  harder,everything is already so unfamiliar without having to constantly think about how cold I am. ( for those of you who are wondering I'm from Barbados where the temperature is pretty much thirty degrees Celsius all  year round  and the temperature in Cape Town is around seventeen degrees Celsius...eee).

At 21 I'm not that familiar with big life changes but this is for sure the biggest transition I've ever gone through.When I did my Discipleship Training School in 2009 I was twenty,and I remember nearly having a nervous breakdown  in Venezuela...why? I realised that I was an adult. No one can fully prepare you  for your big  launching out,in your head it seems like a wonderful idea and you're consumed with the excitement of going to some new exotic place for the sake of the gospel ( as was my case,for others it may be for college or work) but when you actually get to that place the reality of what you've left behind sets in.

That's pretty much where I'm at now,taking in the beauty of Muizenberg,the beach,the shells,the mountains,the people ( South Africa is  truly the Rainbow Nation) and at the same time trying to keep it together emotionally. Its times like these that I realise how much I need God,I  have agreed to go on this journey with  Him but there is noooo way I can go it alone.The next couple days will require God's strength and grace as well as share determination to see His plan for my life fulfilled.

So until next time Ciao!!