I think that this generation is bombarded with more bad news that any generation that has come before us.We Facebook bad news,Tweet it,Google it,Youtube it.pass it on through BBM....not to mention the endless news websites and channels that readily offer a supply of "BAD NEWS!" One of our local radio stations has a four hour call-in program where people can call in and pretty much complain, about everything from their high light bills to the moral decay of today's youth.Bad news is everywhere.
I'm somewhat of a news junkie, but if no news is good news....then I certainly haven't been following any good news.And it takes its toll,it creates hopelessness,all sorts of panic and anxiety and a disbelief that anything will ever change. I once heard a BBC reporter quote an end time scripture after reading the news headlines.
Then it hit me( perhaps I was a bit slow)....I'm a follower of the Good News,I have no right getting sucked into the confusion and panic of this "bad news" generation. Now it happens,I'm not pointing any fingers but imagine if we could truly live according to the Good News,the news about the Kingdom of God.God's stock markets don't crash,HIs economy keeps going,His kingdom is not one that is falling apart and He is not a ruler who is losing control.There is no unequal of distribution of wealth ,He will cause everything to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose for them ( Romans 8:28),He is a ruler who is altogether just and altogether merciful,in His kingdom you don't have to have a first degree to get work,you don't have to worry about what to eat or what to wear but as you seek out this Kingdom these things will be added to you ( Matthew 5:33).
Too often our emotions,thinking,expectations and hopes are shaped by the "bad news". We plan our lives around what we are told is going on in the world around....which is usually bad news, We fear taking risks,we fear moving,we fear pursuing the things that we truly love,we fear going against the mainstream,we fear saving,we fear investing,we fear having children,we fear we can't have children,we fear relationships,we fear getting sick,we fear living long,we fear dying young...we fear because we have accepted a reality other than the reality of God's Kingdom. God says He has not given us a spirit of fear but of love,power and a sound mind ( 2 Timothy 1:7) So in the midst of a global recession,religious and ideological wars and natural disaters we are not to fear,we are to keep a clear head,we are to put our hope in God and who He says He is, rather than the systems of this world..no matter how good they seem.We are not exempt from the impact of these things but we have a hope in the midst of them.
So to wrap up I will quote the words of Paul:
Since you have been raised to new life with Christ,set your sights on the realities of heaven,where Christ sits in th place of honor at God's right hand.Think about the things of heaven,not the things of earth. For you died to this life,and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.And when Christ,who is your life,is revealed to the whole world,you will share in all His glory.( Colossians 3:1-4)
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