Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Highs and Lows Part 1

Ok its been waaay too long since I've posted something..so here goes.
Last week was a very interesting  week,I was bouncing off the walls for the first couple of days and by the time Wednesday came around I was just about ready to zone out...I definitely learned that it is not good experiences that can or will sustain us when thing get a little challenging or better yet,mundane.

Since I have been here I have met a couple of other women who are hoping to work with girls in the community and last Tuesday I had the opportunity to sit and talk with them about starting a ministry in a nearby  township.We prayed about it and  just felt like God was birthing something in us,it was truly an amazing time of prayer and I walked out of there on cloud nine,excited about what God was going to do through us.I mean I was just soooooooo excited I thought I was going to trip over myself :)

But that great experience on Tuesday could not keep me for the rest of the week and surely enough by Wednesday I had found something to be anxious about.Friday I was going to be leading some students in doing prostitution outreach on a nearby highway( for the first time !!!) and the more I thought about it the more nervous I got.I don't about you but when I entertain anxiety for long enough I start to feel sick to the stomach,just wishing that the day would come and go.

Looking back on it I really don't know what I was worrying about because its not about me at all,I always find that when  I put pressure on myself to make something happen in ministry I get very very anxious,to the point where I have no peace in my everyday life.And honestly I don't normally  realise how important that peace  is until I have lost it,I must confess that my head had gotten so full of plans and ideas that I really was not spending time with God like should have been and once that connection or flow is broken you're asking for stress...the Tuesday time with God had been great but after that I was running on my own fuel.
The more you pour out the more you need to be poured into my God...there's a song by Sara Groves that says it perfectly," I'll never be a light unless I turn my eyes to You" and that my friend was exactly what I needed to do.

Thank goodness God doesn't wait for us to get our acts together.Friday night's ministry went really well,there are some things I know I will have to change and adjust by this Friday's outreach but it was a great  start nonetheless.



Our prostitution outreach ministry is based on building relationships with women who are in prostituion, its not a formula and  we go out there knowing that it could take weeks before a relationship is started but its about pursuing these women with God's love the way God pursued us who are already believers.We usually ask the women their name,whether they have families or not,that kind of thing...trying to genuinely start a relationship with them.This one particular lady was really open to our questions,we prayed for her and she just responded in so much love and we were all hugging and she was crying it was such a special moment and afterwards she gave us her address so we could come visit her.Sooooo hopefully this week we will be doing a follow up visit and who knows what will happen from there.

Its hard to hear women's stories though,because  we talked to this woman and you realise that you can't fix her problem,that even after weeks of relationship building and praying she could still be in the same situation. But my hope is in Christ,what He did for me I know He can do for these women and its that hope and that light that we're offering these women when we go out.

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